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Tuesday 12 July 2016

Tour de France 2016

acrylic on canvas 12x24"


sorry fellow car nuts
i'm painting le tour for the next three weeks
painting every stage every day
hop over to
and join the fast colourful fun :)

Friday 1 July 2016


I'm over here getting all panicky.

The builders told me the other day that the house is slated to be finished Friday. FRIDAY.
That's TODAY.

Suddenly the plan of 'waiting to put my house on the market until ours is finished' just sashayed up and biatch slapped me across the face. I woke up, after Lord knows what kind of dreams, in an absolute panic, POSITIVE that my house will never sell. That this was the worst idea ever. That we have a million things we should do to it before even listing it. That we missed the 'prime selling months' of Spring and early Summer. That it will sit on the market for months and months



Drowning in anxiety over here.

Power of positivity, eh folks? 

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