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Friday 10 July 2015

postcard from daylesford / part two

Today I have the second instalment in my 'Postcard From Daylesford' which is basically a collection of photos that I took when my family and I traveled up for the day. You can see all of the out and about images here of the streets and where we ate but I wanted to dedicate a whole post to the photos I took when we went exploring The Mill Market, a gorgeous vintage warehouse filled with smaller stalls and crammed with quirky items and beautiful clothing. It was so relaxing just walking through there and browsing all of the unique little knick nacks we came across. There were so many old books from hard covered novels to racing brochures and delicate tea cups and saucers up for sale. I saw so many cute cacti in terracotta pots and fell in complete love with the vintage cameras. You can buy pretty much anything from furniture to glass bottles and clowns head to old records. 

The whole vibe of the place sparked a lot of interest about the history of the items and where they have come from and travelled to but also it was quite calming and inspiring just to have a walk around. Every corridor was something new and different so it was a load of fun to take photos of the different pieces around. But enough rambling and I'll let you have a look at the photos.

I hope you enjoyed the photos. I'll hopefully have an outfit post up soon. 

Much love, Chelsea x

Tuesday 7 July 2015

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Monday 6 July 2015

postcard from daylesford / part one

Even though we set off to visit the beautiful town of Daylesford sort of later than usual at noon, it was such a gorgeous and easy going afternoon. I spent a majority of my Saturday walking through the main street with my family and exploring the vintage market (by the way, it is huge and we walked through it for about an hour). I also brought my camera along with me and took the chance to take some photos. From lunch to hot chocolates and browsing music records, I've put together a travel diary of my time in the darling town of Daylesford - see what I did there.

PS: There is also a part two coming soon with photos from the vintage market as I took way to many to put into just one post so keep your eyes peeled.

For lunch we ate at The Food Gallery located in the main street. Even though we had to wait a bit for a table to become available, it was so worth it. I had a Moroccan style soup with lentils, pumpkin and toasted bread which was what I needed since it was pretty chilly outside. But they do everything from all day breakfast and salads to fancy fish dishes and a display of slices and delicious cakes.

Just next door to were we had lunch was a little cafe called Sweet Decadence. My parents had their usual coffees and myself ordered an amazing hot chocolate (which wasn't photogenic and would not cooperate) as well as each of us choosing some small chocolates to nibble on while we chatted and watched a lady park her car - haha, long story. That chocolate I'm holding above with the green filling was the best peppermint cream I had ever tried. So good!

So then we went to the vintage market but since I took way too many photos to cram into one post that is soon to come. But after that we walked up and down the main street of Daylesford and browsed some of the shops such as art deco galleries and home ware shops. It was a lovely walk as the buildings are a little older but renovated to look modern and chic to make the quirky vibe of the place. If only the little alley way was open that I took a picture of above was open as they had really cute tee shirt and eclectic stores.....

Progressively throughout the day it got colder and colder so before we headed off back home we stopped in at cafe slash breakfast slash bar kinda place and ordered the most incredible and rich hot chocolates with foamy and frothed milk. Even though I could not finish it, boy was it tasted and warming. The place also had a fire and we sat right next to it and warmed up along while sipped out hot beverages. Again, the fire place would cooperate when I wanted to take a snap.

To finish the day off, it was a gorgeous pinky and orange sunset. It was a gorgeous day but now I am off to clean up my room and organise my life. Ciao lovelies. 

Much love, Chelsea x

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